Tips for Enjoying a Sober Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, marking the beginning of the holiday season. For most, Thanksgiving is a time to relax and celebrate with friends, family, and lots of food. As with most other holidays, alcohol usually plays a significant role in Thanksgiving celebrations. Navigating Thanksgiving without an alcoholic beverage in hand might feel like…

Adult Drug Abuse Indicated By Adolescent Substance Abuse, Memory, and Impulsivity

Recent research has indicated that when adolescent substance use goes unchecked, it can indicate adult drug use and abuse. As such, it is essential to seek out the best possible adolescent substance use treatment center. At Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center, we’re proud to offer exceptional substance use treatment for adolescent boys around the country. To…

Is There a Difference Between Cocaine Addiction and Cocaine Abuse?

It’s relatively common to draw a line between the terms “addiction” and “abuse” when discussing substance use, but is there really a difference? To put it briefly, the answer is a definitive yes, but the line between the two can become easily blurred, particularly when discussing cocaine use and cocaine addiction treatment. Cocaine doesn’t produce…